Thursday, November 29, 2018

IN the NEWS - HATERS gonna HATE (even Christmas Décor)

This is what the Left is reduced to bashing the Trump's over? Christmas Décor? Talk about just pure HATE....Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate me,... Genesis 26:27

"First Lady Melania Trump unveiled the annual holiday decor for the Trump family’s second Christmas in the White House,
featuring red topiary trees made from cranberries and red berries, gingerbread recreations of various D.C. landmarks, and an 18th-century nativity scene originally given to the White House under the Johnson administration... numerous left-wing figures are instead assailing Mrs. Trump with some of their most hyperbolic rhetoric yet.
The Washington Post tweeted that the decorations “induc[e] flashbacks to phantasmal nightmares from our shared cultural memory”....

Perhaps this is all part of a clever conceit, a conceptual representation of Christmas as a story of contradictions,” Slate’s Christina Cauterucci writes, “a pregnant virgin, a king born in a stable, and a vengeful adulterer casting himself as the savior of a holiday celebrating the Messiah’s birth.”
The Daily Wire has compiled more reactions, with Paul Bois commenting that they go “beyond mere differences in taste and into pure ‘Mean Girls’ territory.”
Vice’s Eve Peyser called the decor a “circle of hell Dante could never have dreamed up,” fitting the “bleakness of the Trump era.” Vanity Fair’s Kenzie Bryant wrote that the stylings displayed a
touch of menace,” particularly the trees dyed with what I assume is liberal blood a-boiling."

Daily Caller columnist Benny Johnson had a different reaction to the decorations, which he saw up close during a private tour. Johnson attributed the hostility to the “confirmation bias of liberal reporters who cannot bring themselves to find a single shred of happiness or joy in anything that the Trump family does.”
There was something magical about the 200-year-old house –
done up in grand, traditional Christmas fashion, he wrote. Every room of the White House was open and glowing. The rooms were dripping in history and twinkling Christmas lights. The halls were decked. To have the liberty to [wander] the rooms freely at night, with nothing but the glow of Christmas lights illuminating, is an experience.” Lifesite