Friday, November 2, 2018

IN the NEWS - Epstein Research & End Times?

How could the research of Epstein about Big Tech shaping public opinion have an impact potentially in the End Times?...How could they influence global opinion as it relates to the mark of the beast debate when it comes? ...hmmm...when Big Tech decides to turn on Babylon, it will be too late...And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore...Revelation 18:11

"Epstein cited a piece he wrote for U.S. News and World Report entitled “The New Censorship” in which he explained that Google is “literally every day blocking access to millions of websites.”

Sometime last year, I believe it was, they for ten minutes blocked access to every single website in Japan. On January 31, 2009,  Google blocked access to virtually the entire Internet all over the world for 40 minutes,” he recalled.

The bottom line is, in some ways what’s happened to Jones is not as bad as you think. In other ways, it’s actually much worse than you think. There are some big issues here that we need to explore, and talk about, and understand,” he said.
The big issue here, no matter what one thinks of Alex Jones, is: Who on Earth gave these private companies the power to make decisions about what everyone in the world is going to see or not see,” he said.

Mansour pointed to the Facebook banning of a campaign ad from Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng of California as an example of Big Tech’s heavy thumb on our political scales. The ad was deemed “shocking, disrespectful, or sensational” because Heng talked about her family’s flight from the communist horrors of Cambodia.

Epstein raised the stakes by previewing an upcoming article in which he contends “Google, Facebook, and other tech companies can shift millions of votes in the U.S. midterm elections without anyone knowing.”
The power that these companies have to impact opinions, purchases, beliefs, attitudes, voting preferences – there’s never been power like this. No government has ever had power like this.
The fact that it’s really just two or three companies – mainly two – and that they have similar politics, that just makes this even
crazier. In fact, I say in this upcoming article that if these companies in November all happen to be favoring the same political party, I estimate conservatively – and I emphasize conservatively, even though I’m not a ‘conservative’ – that they could shift upwards of 12 million votes,” he warned.
Epstein added no one would know this vote-shifting had occurred, and there would be no paper trail for election monitors to track. To illustrate how many tools are available for the Masters of the Universe to influence politics, he said outright censorship was merely one of ten techniques they can employ.
Mansour observed with dismay that Big Tech was once criticized for compromising its free speech values to do business with authoritarian regimes like China, but now it seems there is no “compromise” of values necessary to adopt the Chinese model of censorship in America."