Saturday, November 3, 2018

IN the NEWS - Down in New Orleans....

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"The Archdiocese of New Orleans released a list Friday of 57 priests and other clergy it says faced credible child sex abuse allegations, the first such list to be released in Louisiana.

Louisiana is the state where the first widely reported case of clergy sex abuse became public in the 1980s. Gilbert Gauthe, a priest in the Diocese of Lafayette, pleaded guilty in 1985 to abusing 11 boys but testified that he had molested dozens. The diocese is currently compiling its own list, which will be released once the research is completed, Blue Rolfes, spokeswoman for the Lafayette Diocese, wrote in an email.

In recent months, authorities in at least a dozen states have opened investigations, and federal prosecutors have launched an unprecedented statewide probe in Pennsylvania.
Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro released a statement saying, "As always, we stand ready to evaluate for possible prosecution any cases brought to us after investigations are completed by the New Orleans Police Department." FOX