Friday, November 23, 2018

Creation Moment 11/24/2018 - Nearing 0.4/Ne. T?

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22

As the human race races towards 0.4/Ne. T, the opposite of
evolution is happening.....but if we began fully operational at Creation, then began degeneration sometime after, then the path towards 0.4/Ne. T is what we  would, and do, see....

".... the value of a selection coefficient (impact on fitness by a mutation) greatly impacts the decrease in fitness from mutation accumulation:
It is now well established that
---mutations with small, but intermediate, deleterious effects cause the most cumulative damage to populations (Kimura, Gabriel, Charlesworth).

---Mutations with very large effects are eliminated efficiently by selection and have essentially no chance of fixation,

---whereas neutral mutations have no influence on individual fitness.

The diffusion theory developed by Lande (1994) suggests that the value of s that minimizes the time to extinction, that is, that does the most damage, is s* = 0.4/Ne. T CEV