Thursday, November 22, 2018

Creation Moment 11/23/2018 - Information = DESIGNER

"DNA is the most compact information source known in the
universe. A 2017 Science Magazine article reported that a new data storage system using DNA is “capable of storing 215 petabytes (215 million gigabytes) in a single gram of DNA”!
To fully grasp the depth of the impact of DNA, we need to understand a bit about information.
  • Information cannot be generated by physical matter. Planets, stars, atoms, light, chemicals, plants, animals and all other physical things do not generate information.
  • Information is not matter. Take a device and erase all the information on it, and the device will weigh the same. That is because information is not physical and has no weight.
  • Information has only been observed to be created by intelligence. Natural processes do not produce complex information. No one goes to a library thinking the books inside naturally wrote themselves. The existence of a book full of information necessitates an author, even though we have probably never seen (and never will see) the author.  
Using these commonsense facts, we can conclude from the existence and complexity of DNA that the information in it did not just happen naturally on its own. Evolution
The Bible makes the claim that the creation itself is proof that God exists and is the Creator (For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, that they are without excuse:Romans 1:20)."