Saturday, November 3, 2018

Calendar & the Sabbath Day

"The week has come down from Creation unchanged.

The Sabbath, given at the beginning of our world and written on rock 2,500 years later, was kept by the people of God down through the ages.
God has had a line of faithful followers in every era of earth’s history. They have never been blotted out.
When, in the time of Noah, there were only eight left—God stepped in and by a flood of waters saved them and destroyed the wicked. If time had been lost by the time of Jesus, He would have set it right. His keeping of the Bible Sabbath set a standard for His followers. The seventh day of Jesus is to be our day, for He is Lord of it (Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. Mark 2:28).

At the time that Christ was on earth, the calendar being used was called the "Julian Calendar." This is the calendar under which Jesus kept the Bible Sabbath. His followers kept it after His death and later in their missionary work.

Then, in 1582, an error in the length of the year was corrected. The Julian Calendar was 365.25 solar days long, but the length of the year is actually slightly different—365.242195 days in length. Because of this discrepancy, as the centuries passed, the seasons shifted. This shift amount to ten days by A.D. 1582, and so the "Gregorian Calendar" was initiated to remedy the problem. It corrected the ten-day error and also began our leap-year cycle....Carefully observe that the week was not changed! Only the length of that month and year. The week had always been seven days in length. That weekly cycle did not change.

Spain, Portugal, and Italy adopted the new calendar at once. France waited until December of that year. Half of Germany adopted it in 1583; the other half waited until 1700. About that time the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark adopted the new calendar also. England did not accept it until 1752. Yet all through those years, when it was Saturday in Spain it was Saturday in England. The NUMBERS or DATES of the month were different, but the DAYS of the week remained the same.

But do not forget the Jew: Nearly every ancient race of mankind has been obliterated through warfare and intermarriage, except the Hebrew race. God has preserved them alive as a living testimony of the truth of the Bible and the Bible Sabbath,—the seventh-day Sabbath. For ages the Jewish race has kept the Bible Sabbath. And what day is the Bible Sabbath? Ask any Jew. He will tell you it is Saturday—the seventh day of the week." ADL