Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Zwingli on Rascals who Twist Scripture

 "....in Ezekiel 12: “O you that are rebellious, I will say the word and will perform it.” And just after: “The word which I have spoken shall be done.” The whole teaching of the Gospel is a sure demonstration that what God has promised will certainly be performed.

Oh you rascals — you are not instructed or versed in the Gospel, and you pick out verses from it without regard to their context, and wrest them according to your own desire.

It is like breaking off a flower from its roots and trying to plant it in a garden. But that is not the way: you must plant it with roots and the soil in which it is embedded. And similarly we must leave the Word of God its own proper nature if its sense is to be the same to all of us. And those who err in this way we can easily vanquish by leading them back to the source, though they never come willingly.

Consider for yourselves;
truth is not necessarily with the majority."