Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Thyatira & Jezebel: Then, Then Again and in the Future

And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write;....Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
Revelation 2:18,20

Read below what A.T. Jones wrote about Baal/Sun worship and Jezebel, then think of it through the prism of the church of Thyatira...and what that institution will do in the last days..Then, (in the days of Elijah) Then Again (as Thyatira in the middle ages) and in the Future (implementing the Mark of the Beast-a counterfeit Sabbath. Global Sunday Sacredness mandated by Law)...

"Jezebel deliberately set herself to establish the worship of Baal among all Israel.

As we know, a great part of Israel was idolatrous already, in honor of Egyptian idols.
But it was not enough for Jezebel that idolatry should abound;
Baal must be the idol.
It was not enough that one god should be worshiped;
Baal must be that one.
It was not enough for her that some, or even most, of the people should worship the sun; they must all do it.

Consequently she made a systematic attempt, absolutely to suppress the worship of the Lord, and to establish the worship of sun in His place. 

All must be compelled, under penalty of death, to adopt the
worship of the sun. She therefore began to cut off all who still clung to the worship of Jehovah. By such measures, she brought the kingdom to the point where there were only seven thousand out of all Israel that had not bowed the knee to Baal; and these escaped only by taking refuge in dens and caves of the earth. They were so widely scattered and so little known to one another, that Elijah thought he was the only one left alive.

As we have seen, sun-worship was in fact only the worship of the principle of generation in nature. It was held that the sun in co-
operation with the earth, was the begetter of all fruitfulness upon the earth. This was the theory of sun-worship as represented in Baal-worship, as well as in all other forms: it being the theory that the sun and the earth together were sufficient for all life, and that it was by the power of the sun that the earth, even, was caused to be fruitful."
Empires of the Bible by A.T. Jones