Friday, October 5, 2018

SDA Issues - Spicer Examines the Pastors Mission

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,...
Revelation 14:6

"Ever since the Lord Jesus took the first steps in the organization of His church in New Testament times, and ordained the twelve and then the sev­enty, the work of God has been extend­ing into new fields by the ministry of the word.
Spicer seated in Middle
It is a wonderful word that God has given to us in Holy Scripture. --Every word of God is a living word,
--the seed of the kingdom,
--and every be­liever is to have a part in sowing that seed.

*But as Jesus called out some to give their whole time to the minis­try of the word,
*so now an army of workers have been called out under this third angel's message to give their time wholly to preaching and teaching the word.

Never does the gospel worker reach the point where he does not need to study and pray in order to be a more efficient worker for God.
--We are called to shepherd the flock of God,
--and to lead the whole church in soul-win­ning activity."
W.A.Spicer 1928 Ministry Magazine