Friday, October 19, 2018

SDA Issues - So-called "Social Justice" splitting church next? [Wilson vs. Jackson]

"This left-leaning activism is a real problem for people tasked with bearing the Three Angels’ Message to a dying world.  Leftist Christianity and Black liberation Theology has largely embraced the Social Justice agenda as its central message.  But the Bible doesn't say that it is our duty to fix every problem out there. 
In fact, some problems that we/I experience are consequences–tied to choices we have made. God allows these consequences and gives us the Gospel that we might experience freedom from sin, and rest in the hope of His promise to “make all things new” on That Day (Rev. 21:5).
Not to be outdone, Dan Jackson weighed in on social justice too.
 No.  If it were, the Disciples would not have made that timeless statement "It is not right that we would forsake the preaching of the gospel to wait on tables" (Acts 6:2).