Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Psalm 7:
 Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end;
"The superscription indicates that the psalm was written while David was being ruthlessly assailed by “Cush the Benjamite”, who was evidently one of Saul’s radical kinsmen.
David’s confidence in the Divine Judge is the backbone of Psalm 7
 This psalm follows David through 3 progressively calming stages of expression in response to the painfully false accusations that were being hurled against him.

1.   Stage One: David’s Concern as He Passionately Begs the Attention of the Divine Judge (7:1-5).
O LORD my God, if I have done this;.... vs.3
2.   Stage Two: David’s Court Appearance as He Painstakingly Argues His Case before the Divine Judge (7:6-16).
My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart. vs.10
3.   Stage Three: David’s Composure as He Patiently Waits for the Verdict of the Divine Judge (7:17). I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high. vs.17
Psalm 7 introduces one of the more enigmatic terms found in superscriptions of the psalms, a Shiggaion (Hebrew), of David”. ..Shiggaion is a song or psalm (the word is used so only here and Hab. 3:1 )—a wandering song. This may be called the SONG OF THE SLANDERED SAINT.
Consequently, the term may also indicate the song’s irregularity in rhythm“He sang” also indicates that this was a vocal solo.
David appears before God to plead with him against the Accuser, who had charged him with treason and treachery. The case is here opened with an avowal of confidence in God. Whatever may be the emergency of our condition we shall never find it amiss to retain our reliance upon our God.
Verse 15. "He made a pit, and digged it." He was cunning in his plans, and industrious in his labors. He stooped to the dirty work of digging. He did not fear to soil his own hands, he was willing to work in a ditch if others might fall therein. What mean things men will do to wreak revenge on the godly."
....save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:
Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces,
 while there is none to deliver.