Saturday, October 6, 2018

Papal Notes - Wickedness Taking a Toll on Francis Catholic Support

"Sixty-two percent of Catholics believe Pope Francis is doing only a fair or poor job handling the abuse crisis, compared to 46 percent in January.

Those who believe he is doing an excellent or good job shrunk from 45 percent in January to 31 percent in September.
The drop is most pronounced among men and Catholics ages 18-49....although the numbers among those who attend Mass at least weekly nosedived from 71 percent to 34 percent.
In other areas of Church life, Catholics gave Pope Francis higher marks, although those numbers also declined.
In terms of standing up for traditional morals, 56 percent said the pope was doing an excellent or good job, down from 81 percent in the first Pew poll assessing Catholic opinion of Pope Francis in 2014, while those who say he is doing only a fair or poor job more than doubled from 15 percent to 36 percent."
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13