Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Papal Notes - How Francis handled Pell

Well, for those of you that think Francis gets it...think again...
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"The Catholic Church is a religious brand in crisis.

Godliness and goodliness have been stripped away by the incessant scandal of sexual abuse of children by its priests.
The church is no longer a sacred cow. It may have the coolest selfie pope in papal history, but sooner or later he will have to enter the dark mire which is inching closer and closer to St Peter’s Square.

Vatican number three, the unconvincing Cardinal George Pell, was questioned by the Australian
Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Investigating Child Sexual Abuse.
This cross-examination took place, not in Sydney or Melbourne, but in the Vatican City, or as one abuse survivor described it,"in the belly of the beast".
A crowd-funding campaign raised more than $170,000 in just three days, to fly 20 abuse survivors from a regional parish in Victoria, Australia where Cardinal Pell spent much of his formative years before his rise through the church. They were once victims and untouchables, shunned by the media and the church. Today they are heralded as survivors and the Australian media calls them courageous heroes. They are called survivors because many didn't. They took their own lives."

A large part of the money raised came from a song called Come Home (Cardinal Pell) which, for a few days last week, was the most popular download in Australia.
Cardinal Pell told the inquiry he didn’t pay attention to rumors of priests abusing children.
It was a sad story and of not much interest to me,” said the incurious Cardinal who also served on the committee that repeatedly moved the pedophile priest into new parishes and fresh victims. When the priest was finally charged and jailed Cardinal Pell accompanied him to court.
Today, Cardinal Pell is in charge of finances for the Holy See and the Vatican and reports directly to Pope Francis."
UPDATE on Pell--On 1 May 2018, Pell was committed to stand trial on several historical sexual offence charges. Magistrate Belinda Wallington concluded that there was enough evidence for the case to proceed on about half of the charges.