Saturday, October 13, 2018

Papal Notes - Francis & Tobin

Pope Francis appointed Tobin as a delegate, in spite of the Scandal/Crises gripping the Catholic Church, because  the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly... that's why Francis appointed Tobin...Genesis 13:13

"While perhaps merely a preplanned and ill-timed coincidence, the fact is that on August 28, the pope announced his naming of unabashedly pro-gay Cardinal Joseph Tobin, who heads the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, as a delegate to the synod on youth now taking place in Rome. Newark is ex-Cardinal McCarrick’s former diocese. Archbishop Viganò testified that McCarrick had helped orchestrate Tobin’s appointment there.

Only four months after taking charge of the Newark archdiocese in January 2017, Tobin allowed a gay pilgrimage, including Mass, to take place in the cathedral.

Regardless of whether the pope was intentionally signaling his contempt for Archbishop Viganò’s allegation by appointing Tobin as a delegate to the youth synod so soon after Viganò’s testimony appeared, it seems that the cardinal’s steadfast allegiance to the gay cause is what qualified him to serve in that capacity, if the other cardinals the pope has appointed to vote at the synod, to say nothing of some of the lay persons he invited to attend as collaborators and observers, serve as any indication. It speaks volumes that Pope Francis has seen fit to augment, with
numerous gay-friendly episcopal delegates of his own choosing, the number of bishops chosen by their own Bishops’ Conferences to represent them at the synod."