Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pagan Roots in All Hallow's Eve Culinary Goodies?

Even some of the recipes for early Halloween had pagan roots, such as offering to pray for the dead or hidden charms.....hmmmm...interesting.

"Many recipes and traditions have come down for this evening, "All Hallows’ Eve" (now known as Halloween), such as
boxty bread and boxty pancakes,
barmbrack (Irish fruit bread with hidden charms),
colcannon (combination of cabbage and boiled potatoes).

This was also known as "Nutcrack Night" in England, where the family gathered around the hearth to enjoy cider and nuts and apples.

In England "soul cakes" are another traditional food. People would go begging for a "soul cake" and promise to pray for the donor's departed friends and family in exchange for the treat, an early version of today's "Trick or Treat."