Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Iscariot Analogy during the Mark of the Beast

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon,
and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Revelation 16:13

"Let it be remembered that the Pope, as the head of the Mystery of Iniquity, is "the son of perdition," Iscariot, the false apostle, the traitor.

Now, it is expressly stated, that before Judas committed his treason, Satan, the prince of the Devils, "entered into him," took complete and entire possession of him.

From analogy, we may expect the same to have been the case here. Before the Pope could even conceive such a scheme of complicated treachery to the cause of his Lord, as has been proved against him, before he could be qualified for successfully carrying that treacherous scheme into effect, Satan himself must enter into him. The Mystery of Iniquity was to practice and prosper according "to the working"--i.e., literally, "according to the energy or mighty power of Satan" (2 Thess 2:9). *

* The very term "energy" here employed, is the term continually used in the Chaldean books, describing the inspiration coming from the gods and demons to their worshippers. (TAYLOR'S Jamblichus)
Therefore Satan himself, and not any subordinate spirit, must preside over the whole vast system of consecrated wickedness; he must personally take possession of him who is its visible head, that the system may be guided by his diabolical subtlety, and energized by his super-human power.

Keeping this in view, we see at once how it is that, when the followers of the Pope worship the beast, they worship also the "dragon that gave power to the beast."
TheTwoBabylons by Hislop