Sunday, October 21, 2018

IN the NEWS - Wow!, they just don't get it

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"After the sudden death of Bp. Joseph Cistone Tuesday, a bishop known for covering up sex abuse is being named to temporarily govern the diocese of Saginaw, Michigan.

Bishop Walter Hurley, former bishop of Grand Rapids and, before that, auxiliary bishop of Detroit, was appointed to Saginaw the day after Cistone's sudden death. Cistone was found collapsed on the bathroom floor of his home late Tuesday morning, after a Religious Sister of Mercy — who had been looking after the bishop — placed a 911 call at 10:20 a.m. 

Investigative reporter Jay McNally, who worked for the Detroit archdiocese in the 1990s, said, "If you ever wondered how and why the Catholic Church kept known pedophile priests in action even after victims complained that these priests sodomized them dozens of times annually for years, let me introduce you to Bishop Walter Hurley, one of the most disgusting men I had the misfortune of ever meeting."..said McNally. "Read about Fr. Gerald Shirilla, who was protected by Hurley for many years."
Shirilla was a notorious homosexual predator whose abuse of boys and young men spanned decades in Detroit.

The earliest allegations involved abuse of altar boys in 1964, four years before Shirilla's ordination to the priesthood. He is also accused of molesting a seminarian in 1970, who went on to commit suicide. In 1980, Shirilla was removed from the faculty of Sacred Heart Seminary owing to sexual involvement with seminarians.

After further allegations of abuse of altar boys, Shirilla was removed from active ministry in 1993 — only to be placed back in active ministry in the neighboring diocese of Gaylord in 2002.
After public outcry, Shirilla was removed from his assignment in Alpena in the Gaylord diocese in 2002. The next year, Hurley was named bishop of Grand Rapids.
"Shame on Abp. Allen Vigneron for insulting faithful Catholics through Michigan with this appointment," McNally said, referring to Hurley's appointment in Saginaw."