Thursday, October 4, 2018

IN the NEWS - On to Milan

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"The group, known in Italian as the Rete L’Abuso, or “abuse network,” didn’t pull any punches, using a press conference on Tuesday to level charges that the current Archbishop of Milan, Mario Enrico Delpini, covered up for a priest criminally convicted of sexual abuse while Delpini served as an
auxiliary bishop of Milan and the vicar general, effectively the number two official at the time under Cardinal Angelo Scola.
The accusation is that Delpini had been informed by another priest in Milan that a young man had told him that a third cleric, Father Mauro Galli, had abused him sexually during a night spent in his residence.
Delpini later acknowledged in a court deposition in 2014 as part of the civil prosecution of Galli that, after he received the information, he made the decision to transfer Galli to another parish. When asked by interrogators if he was aware that at his new assignment, Galli was responsible for youth ministry, Delpini replied, “Yes, sure I was aware.”