Saturday, October 6, 2018

IN the NEWS - Lesbian Witches (& a personal note)

.....inventors of evil things,.. Romans 1:30

"A Discovery of Witches is a new TV show making its debut in UK that will also feature a lesbian witch couple.
Based on the All Souls trilogy by Deborah Harkness, A Discovery of Witches follows witch and historian Diana Bishop (played by Teresa Palmer) as she seeks to unravel the secrets of the magical world.

The show is set in the real world, except that humans exist together with the declining species of witches, vampires and demons.
Diana, as the protagonist, was raised by her aunt Sarah Bishop (Alex Kingston) and her long-time partner, Emily Mather (Valarie Pettiford).
The couple are both witches who taught Diana how to use her powers to fight in a centuries-old struggle between supernatural beings.
Diana’s path collides with the mysterious vampire Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) when a manuscript in Oxford’s Bodleian Library is discovered and she’s inadvertently thrown into the heart of a dangerous mystery.
And yes, there’s a romance between the characters of Palmer and Goode. But really, we’re more interested in the lesbian couple in this story.
As Sarah tells Diana in the book, “Em and I were star-crossed lovers, after all. In upstate New York in the 1970s, nothing was more star-crossed than two women falling in love.”
Diana’s aunt, Sarah, is descended from the first witch executed at Salem. Sarah enjoys a respected place among witches because of her name and blood lineage.
On the other hand, Sarah’s partner, Emily or Em, has a talent for scrying and visions, and is often the peace broker in the household.
Notably, Harkness has included a lot of LGBT characters in her stories. Aside from the lesbian couple who are witches, there’s a gay demon and a gay vampire as well." LesbianNews

What's the Personal Note?...........although I'm descended from an actual person hung at Salem for witchcraft, Martha Allen Carrier, I won't being appearing in the TV show....just saying...