Wednesday, October 24, 2018

IN the NEWS - Key Witness Found Dead

Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? Isaiah 29:15

"A priest who was a key witness in a case against a Catholic bishop in India has been found dead, prompting a police investigation.
In June, a religious sister in Kerala of the Missionaries of Jesus went to authorities with her claim that Bp. Franco Mulakkal of the Jalandhar diocese had raped her repeatedly in 2014–2016. 

Three other Missionaries of Jesus came forward with similar accusations against Bp. Mulakkal. The bishop firmly denies the allegations. In September, the four nuns took part in a series of sit-in protests demanding that Bp. Mulakkal be prosecuted. Bishop Mulakkal was arrested on Sept. 21 and faces criminal charges for the alleged sexual crimes. He was released on bail on Oct. 16 and awaits trial.
A priest who was a key witness in the case, Fr. Kuriakose Kattuthara, died unexpectedly. Father Kattuthara was found unconscious in his room Monday morning at St. Mary's Church in the town of Dasuya. He was taken to the hospital where he was declared dead. 
Father Kattuthara passed away just weeks after he gave a statement to investigators regarding the allegations against Bp. Mulakkal. Reportedly, police are investigating Fr. Kattuthara's death owing to these circumstances.
On Tuesday, an autopsy was performed on Fr. Kattuthara's remains. The procedure was video recorded, there were four doctors present and several of the priest's family members observed the autopsy.
Father Kattuthara's brother, Jose Kurian, has his suspicions about the priest's untimely death."