Thursday, October 11, 2018

IN the NEWS - J.N. Andrews vs. 10/6-10/2018 Katowice

J.N. Andrew's comments could be applied to the Green religion today....

"And now mark the work of apostasy:
--This work never begins by thrusting out God’s institutions,
but always by bringing in those of men and at first only asking that they may be tolerated, while yet the ones ordained of God are sacredly observed.
--This, in time, being effected, the next effort is to make them equal with the divine.
--When this has been accomplished, the third stage of the process is to honor them above those divinely commanded;
--and this is speedily succeeded by the fourth, in which the divine institution is thrust out with contempt, and the whole ground given to its human rival."
The Complete Testimony Of The Early fathers
Page 4 Paragraph 4/J.N. Andrews

Vs. the Green Religion

"6-10 October 2018, Katowice, Poland/European Christian Environmental Network
ECEN usually organises an international Assembly every two years.
The Assembly offers a broad ecumenical platform for cooperation and sharing among representatives from Anglican, Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman-catholic churches.
Climate change has become one of the defining challenges of the early decades of 21st century. We are much more aware than any time before of its unprecedented speed, as well as far reaching impacts....
The encyclical letter of Pope Francis ‘Laudato Si’, appreciated far beyond the Roman Catholic church, the pioneering role of the “Green Patriarch” Bartholomew in promoting a holistic view on sustainable development, as well as the efforts of many other churches leaders make clear the role of churches and religions in these efforts. Churches on the whole continent are increasingly aware and positively engaged in activities which care about and for the whole Creation.
In 2018 the ECEN Assembly will address the challenge of climate change and highlight the relationship of climate disruption, pollution and ecosystem transformation with economic activities and social agendas. The Assembly will focus on the role of churches in addressing and responding to these challenges."
From ECEN's Website
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6