Wednesday, October 17, 2018

IN the NEWS - Hey Dude?!?!?!

BEFORE YOU READ THIS...JUST REMEMBER, these LITERAL Child Molesters, if this were in the days of Moses, under the Mosaic Law of a Theocracy, these men would be taken without the camp and Executed..they would forfeit this life and the next.
Lucky for them that they are living today....just saying....
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"Responding to clerical sexual abuse demands truth and justice, not just admitting a sin was committed, said Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna of Malta.
When he speaks with survivors, “I find a great thirst and a great hunger for justice, which I share,” he told reporters at a synod briefing Oct. 8.

A longtime abuse investigator — in the past for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and more recently at the request of Pope Francis — the archbishop was attending the Oct. 3-28 Synod of Bishops on young people as archbishop of Malta.
As an abuse investigator, he said his role is to help the Church understand what the truth is and to help bring justice.
What pains me is the fact that sometimes justice takes an amount of time that is a bit excessive. And this is a problem that very much pains Pope Francis,” he said, referring to how slow the process is.
When he speaks with a person who has experienced abuse, “there is little to say. I prefer to cry with them as has happened to me many times.”
But the initial mourning and silence are followed by “an enormous thirst for truth and justice, which is not incompatible with mercy because we all need mercy,” he said, but not a “hollow mercy” that does not respect the truth."
...HEY DUDE, why not just do the RIGHT THING rather than talk about the thirsting for Justice by the victims??? Regardless of the desires of the Victims of your sick pervs in the Clergy--just do the right thing!
Clean up the Mess, Fire people, turn people over to Law Enforcement for prosecution of CHILD MOLESTATION.... BTW, is Francis that you claim is pained by all this--is this the same Francis who blamed the devil for these scandals coming out, LIED in his book about not knowing of any of this on his watch as a bishop, involved in the McCarrick Scandal and just appointed as delegates to the YOUTH synod pro-LGBT priests?...Really Dude, come on....the only ones pained are those who read your PR Spin guys are really EVIL...