Friday, October 19, 2018

IN the NEWS - Hanging at Lips

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"A Roman Catholic priest – who happens to be appointed as “spiritual director for victims of sexual
abuse by clergy” recently attended a drag show and LGBT film festival....Monsignor Henry Gracz is the pastor of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Atlanta, which is commonly known as a “gay parish.” Gracz regularly attends “outreach booths” at LGBT events and his social media shows that he frequents Atlanta’s “queer subculture.”.... August 1 Facebook post, Msgr. Gracz announced he was celebrating with friends at “Lips,” a popular Atlanta drag bar.
The club hosts a show called “Taboo: The Forbidden Show” and is advertised on the “Lips” website as “dirty and nasty” and is hosted by a “mistress of seduction.”