Tuesday, October 23, 2018

IN the NEWS - Church FireBombed

As the political left in America continues to turn violent--now churches are being firebombed. (btw, will Dan Jackson at NAD issue a statement condemning this?..or does firebombing churches qualify as O.K. in his so-called "social justice warrior" narrative?) 
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Matthew 5:11

"As a group of about 50 congregants attended a worship service at

a Seattle-based church, an arsonist hurled several Molotov cocktails toward the sanctuary.

Witnesses told authorities they saw a person throwing lit bottles filled with an unknown substance at Iglesia ni Cristo just after 8 p.m. Thursday and immediately called 9-1-1, according to KCPQ-TV.

The Molotov cocktails started a fire outside the church, Seattle Fire spokeswoman Kristen Tinsley said, causing minor damage to the exterior of the building. No injuries have been reported."