Thursday, October 25, 2018

IN the NEWS - Catholic School Drag Shows?

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"A student at a Catholic university was called into a meeting with the school’s Title IX coordinator this week after speaking out against the university’s cross-dressing drag shows, claiming that they represent “an assault on the dignity of the human person and the divine gift of ordered sexuality.”
In his column in The Carroll News, Declan Leary said the Jesuit-run John Carroll University was providing “deviant entertainment” for “misguided young people” by sponsoring the annual event where men dress as women.
It is a terrifying testament to the decay of our faith and our university that, throughout the approval process for this event and the six years for which it has now continued, not a single person in a position of authority stood up (or at least stood with sufficient strength) to suggest that perhaps such a flagrant celebration of sexual perversity might just be wrong,” Leary wrote.
Following an article at detailing the “uproar” that resulted from Leary’s column, The College Fix reached out to Leary via Facebook message. Leary informed The Fix during an interview that, after the column’s publication, the school’s Title IX coordinator, Eric Butler, had requested a meeting with both him and Olivia Shackleton, the editor-in-chief of The Carroll News.
Leary said the Title IX meeting was requested in response to the article.”