Friday, October 19, 2018

IN the NEWS - 100,000 = "Exceedingly"

But the men of Sodom were wicked
and sinners before the LORD
Genesis 13:13

"More than 100,000 child porn videos and photos have been found on the computer of former Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, who is also accused of raping numerous children in the Dominican Republic and Poland.

Wesolowski, currently under house arrest at the Vatican, is one of the highest-ranking church officials to be accused of sexually abusing children during the Catholic Church’s widespread and costly sexual abuse scandal.

The videos and photos of child pornography were stored on a computer in the office at the Holy See diplomatic compound in the Dominican Republic, where Wesolowski served as papal nuncio in Santo Domingo.

Authorities in the Dominican Republic have been calling for Wesolowski’s extradition: a court there has opened a case against the former Vatican ambassador, and the attorney general wants to criminally charge Wesolowski.
Officials in Poland, Wesolowski’s country of origin, and where he has also been accused of sexually abusing children, are also calling for his extradition.

Wesolowski has been charged with sexually abusing minors and child porn possession. If convicted, Wesolowski faces 12 years in jail. His trial is expected to start in January." AR