Saturday, October 13, 2018

From the "Really" File - ("WOMXN"?)

....she shall be called Woman... Genesis 2:23

"You may have encountered the term “womxn” popping up on the internet.
According to the Telegraph, a couple of British companies used the term in ad campaigns instead of “women” over concerns that “women” isn’t inclusive toward transgenders.

The reaction to “womxn”? Not too gxxd.

Jess Phillips, a member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley, had this reaction, the outlet noted: “I’ve never met a trans woman who was offended by the word woman being used, so I’m not sure why this keeps happening. As if internet dissent now replaces public policy. I get what they are trying to do but why is it only women not men where this applies.

The museum apologized Wednesday.

From the "Really" File
We should have put more thought into whether this was the right term to use when communicating about the event. We made a mistake, and we should not have used it,” the Wellcome Collection said, the outlet reported. “We’re sorry that we made the wrong call. We invite challenges to our thinking and we listen to our audience, so we’re removing the word from the website and from our communications about the event.”

Not to be outdone, clothing shop H&M got an earful after an event it’s sponsoring used “womxn,” the outlet noted.
Her Stories’ ad said it’s supporting “charities dedicated to womxn seeking asylum and refuge in the U.K. Spelling women differently to emphasize inclusivity, the organization has launched the first womxn-only art auction; for womxn, by womxn.” The Blaze