Monday, October 8, 2018

Creation Moment 10/8/2018 - Evolution Wastes Our Money

"1950s, Nobel prizewinner and pioneer of atomic energy, Enrico Fermi, while working at Los Alamos nuclear facility in New Mexico, raised some straightforward questions:
Are we the only technologically advanced civilization in the universe, and if we are not, then where are they?
Why haven’t we seen any traces of extraterrestrial life such as probes or transmissions?
Why haven’t we found their artifacts on Earth or in our solar system?

In 1960, astronomer Frank Drake commenced Project OZMA, the first organized search for intelligent extraterrestrial radio signals. He also developed a binary coded message system, with the idea that a picture could be obtained through a proper decryption of the codes. Drake constructed the first interstellar message ever transmitted via radio waves by our planet for the benefit of any extraterrestrial civilizations. This message is known as the Arecibo Message of November 1974.

In 1995, as a result of private funding, Project Phoenix was launched and SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) had its genesis. Since Project Ozma, and via 60 different projects, the SETI organization has been scanning the universe at a rate of millions of radio frequencies every second for over 50 years. And how many ETs have they caught ‘phoning home’ in that time? Zero!

The ultimate reason why so much time and money is expended on such searches is belief in evolution. If life evolved by chance here on Earth, then it must have evolved countless times given the alleged vast age of the universe. Furthermore, it is believed that at 4.6 billion years, our solar system is relatively young, about a third of the universe’s assumed age. So there could well be much older planets which might therefore have even more advanced alien races."
In their greed they will make up
clever lies to get hold of your money.
But God condemned them long ago,
2 Peter 2:1,3