Saturday, October 27, 2018

Creation Moment 10/28/2018 - Take the BBC Evolution Test: pt.7

I the LORD have created it. Isaiah 45:8
Take the BBC Evolution Test: pt.7
"The BBC’s evolution quiz involved seven questions that had to be answered true or false. So, let’s take the quiz and test the BBC’s understanding of evolution.

The BBC recently put a Quiz: Test your knowledge of evolution’ on their website.

7. Evolution and religion are not necessarily incompatible.
True or false?
TRUE: Evolution is not about the origins of life, but how animals and plants change over time. People of some - but not all - different faiths and levels of scientific training see no contradiction between science and religion.

This is true and false.
--It’s true in that evolution is only consistently compatible with the religion of humanism.
One cannot help thinking, however, that by religion the BBC really has Christianity in mind.
--If this is the case, then, it is true that evolution is incompatible with Christianity.
The irony of trying to make evolution compatible with the Christianity is that the first person to differ with it would have been Charles Darwin. In Darwin’s understanding of the world there never was a time that it was very good. Darwin realized somewhere along the line you have to ask the question: What kind of God would deliberately use a process of death, disease, famine, and struggle to make the world, and then declare it to be very good?
Toward the end of his life Darwin described himself as an agnostic who rejected Jesus as the Son of God. Because the BBC accepts evolution as scientific fact, the answers given to the questions were understandable. However, the questions and answers were filled with logical fallacies and only show that the evidence when properly understand contradicts evolution."