Friday, October 26, 2018

Creation Moment 10/27/2018 - Take the BBC Evolution Test: pt.6

I the LORD have created it. Isaiah 45:8
Take the BBC Evolution Test: pt.6
"The BBC’s evolution quiz involved seven questions that had to be answered true or false. So, let’s take the quiz and test the BBC’s understanding of evolution.

The BBC recently put a Quiz: Test your knowledge of evolution’ on their website.

6. Evolution results in progress; organisms are always getting better through evolution. True or false?
FALSE: We tend to think of evolution as a process whereby species improve and become less primitive. But that's not always the case. Natural selection does produce improved abilities to surviv
e and reproduce; but this does not always produce living things perfectly suited to their environment. Natural selection is limited by natural variation that appears by chance in a species. And once living things have gone down a certain evolutionary path, some improvements are impossible. For example, wouldn't be great if we could get food from light, like plants? It's too late now for humans.

This BBC answer accurately reflects how evolutionists think change has happened over millions of years of evolutionary history. But does it reflect reality? Natural selection is indeed “limited by natural variation that appears…in a species.” But, as we’ve just discussed, the vast majority of this natural variation is not the result of chance but, rather, the result of the initial creation act by God. This dramatically changes how we view the progress or regress in species over time, and it changes our outlook for species’ progress/regress in the future."