Monday, October 22, 2018

Creation Moment 10/22/2018 - Take the BBC Evolution Test: pt.1

I the LORD have created it. Isaiah 45:8
Take the BBC Evolution Test: pt.1
"The BBC’s evolution quiz involved seven questions that had to be answered true or false. So, let’s take the quiz and test the BBC’s understanding of evolution.

The BBC recently put a Quiz: Test your knowledge of evolution’ on their website.

1. Humans are still evolving. True or false?

TRUE: On the outside, it may look like we haven't changed much, but humans are continuing to evolve, as are other animals, including the apes. We’re still evolving new characteristics that help us survive in a changing world, from drinking milk to fending off diseases.
There are two things wrong with the question and answer.
--The first thing that needs to be recognized is that it commits the fallacy of “begging the question.” This happens when a person simply assumes what he is attempting to prove, or when the premise of an argument depends upon its conclusion.
Although the BBC believes human evolution is seen as a well-established fact, the question that we should ask is: Did humans evolve? The answer of course would be: false as there is not a single piece of evidence that is consistent with humans having evolved from ape-like creatures.

The evidence from Scripture and the sequencing of the human genome are consistent with all humans sharing ancestry with one pair of human parents, Adam and Eve.

--Secondly, the answer to the question equivocates on the term evolution, which is common in evolutionary arguments. The word evolution is often used by evolutionists to refer to descent from a common ancestor.

Yet, evolution also refers to change in a generic sense. Even though both definitions are accurate they should not be confused in an argument. The evolutionist is basically arguing: “I know evolution is true (we evolved from a common ancestor) because we see evolution (change within human characteristics) happening all the time.” The fact that human characteristics are changing does not mean we share a common ancestor with ape-like creatures."