Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Creation Moment 10/2/2018 - Atheistic Evolution: Nothing New

..... and there is no new thing under the sun.
 Ecclesiastes 1:9

"Arising from the most remote period of Greek history, sometime in the sixth century B.C., came Democritus, credited as the founder or co-founder with Leucippus of the school of atomistic
philosophy. Democritus' view rested on the doctrine that the universe is composed of vast numbers of atoms, mechanically combined.

This remarkably modern-sounding atomic concept of the physical universe described the physical universe as operating by chance with no place for supernatural intervention. After this philosophy was established, Epicurus, a contemporary of Aristotle, recognized that chance events could not operate under static conditions. He proposed that movement was a vital factor. In this way, blind chance was given a creative ability. ...this movement becomes the process of natural selection in the theory of evolution.

Epicurus further claimed that foolish superstition is rooted in the belief in the supernatural and that to banish this belief would at once rid men and society of superstition and notions of divine intervention. Wise conduct of life, he said, was better attained by abandonment of religious beliefs with reliance better placed in evidence attained through the five human senses. Thus began the Epicurean philosophy."