Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Creation Moment 10/18/2018 - Roach's Foolishness

I have seen the foolish taking root: Job 5:3

"Here’s a recent example from a local Sunday paper (30 Sept 2018). A reader asks a question, and a local Darwin priest (in this case, Keith Roach, M.D., a contributing editor to the paper) is ready with his storybook. There is always one answer: Whatever exists, it evolved. Even in the case of private parts, no intelligent design can be claimed.

There is a question that has intrigued me for years: What is the purpose of underarm and pubic
hair? I guess, for that matter, what is the purpose of any body hair, and hair on your head?
ANSWER: Hair provides protection from the sun, and regulates body temperature. Many evolutionary biologists believe our distant ancestors began losing most body hair when we began walking upright.
Axillary (underarm) and pubic hair are thought to be conserved [against natural selection] because they reduce friction, wick moisture away from the skin, and provide a small degree of protection and as part of sexual selection, possibly due to pheromones, hormones that act outside the body to attract others.

--Notice that the reader asked about the purpose of something.
--Does Darwinism know anything about purpose?

How silly is Dr. Roach’s story? Let us count the ways.
  1. How do you get purpose out of a purposeless process?
  2. What does walking upright have to do with loss of body hair? Nothing.
  3. Gorillas spend little time in the trees. Why didn’t they lose their body hair, if this is a law of nature?
  4. Why would blind evolution not ‘conserve’ the very thing—hair—that regulates our body temperature and provides protection from the sun?
  5. Because of the ‘cost of fitness,’ every hominid who kept its body hair had to die.
  6. If hair loss was a consequence of human evolution, why do males have beards and more body hair than females? Are they less fit?
  7. What hairy female hominid would date a naked male? Wouldn’t she think it was weird? She would be repulsed by the freak.
  8. Is reducing friction so vastly important to human life as to require the death to all who lacked axillary and pubic hair?
  9. How many women are attracted to underarm BO?
  10. If underarm pheromones attract mates, why do we use deodorant?
  11. Dr. Roach, please list all the mutations that were selected in this change from full hair to limited hair.
  12. If loss of body hair is such a good thing, why haven’t all mammals evolved into naked forms by now?
  13. Who cares what “many evolutionary biologists believe”? How many did he ask?
  14. Is Dr. Roach aware of the criticisms of sexual selection among evolutionary biologists themselves? (e.g., 30-Jan-2016).
  15. Why not invite critics of Darwinism into this explanatory exercise?" CEH