Monday, September 3, 2018

When Lady Gaga had her Judas Moment

"Lady Gaga and she is by no means a stranger to self indulgence. She was born Stefani Joanne
Angelina Germanotta on March 28, 1986 in Manhattan, New York. She attended a Catholic school called the Convent of the Sacred Heart.

Lady Gaga began to label her ever growing world wide fan base as ‘little monsters’. As she describes her relationship to her fans she goes onto say that her fans understand her and what she stands for.  They are just as rebellious as she is.
Lady Gaga’s music is meant to affect everyone that watches her perform.
The Bible warns us against rebellion. It says in 1 Samuel 15:23 that “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft”.
The out of this world imagery seen in her shows seems to be aiming its rebellious attack against the very Creator of the universe.

Take for example her music video titled Judas. In the video we see Lady Gaga on the back of Jesus’ motorcycle.  All the other riders are named the same as the apostles. Then she notices Judas. As the song progresses she sings about her love for Judas and not for Jesus. There is a scene were Lady
Gaga is in a bathtub with Jesus and Judas and she is washing Jesus’ feet but then turns her affections to Judas. The satanic imagery does not stop with only one music video.  

She is certainly not shy about shy about telling the world she believes in God. She even claims to follow Jesus. In fact, she considers herself to be a very religious person, even often praying with the entire cast before each show.
In an interview with Larry King he asks her if she believes in God. She replies yes. Then she makes a statement that she believes she is going to heaven when she dies but the possibility of her going to hell is just the same.

Even though she may claim to follow Jesus and have a belief in God, her actions tell a very different story.

Some say its all just an act, that she does this just for the fame. But yet her personal life confirms the suspicion.  All of the demonic imagery seems to be spilling over into her offstage life. Many reports have come out that Lady Gaga can’t sleep at night. Her closest friend and personal assistant is suing the star for 400,000 dollars in unpaid overtime. She claims that Lady Gaga can’t sleep alone and that she forced her to sleep in her bed every night, because she was haunted by demons.

There have been reports that Lady Gaga has a spirit named Ryan that haunts her. She even held a seance to try to communicate with the spirit and see what it wants. She apparently spent 47,000 dollars on state of the art electromagnetic field meters to detect spirits.

Pray for Lady Gaga. If she has been raised with a faith in God, pray that the Holy Spirit can penetrate her heart. Even though she thinks she is beyond repentance-as she sings in her song Judas-no soul is too far out of reach for God."