Thursday, September 27, 2018

The "Revelations"

"Historically speaking there have been two different types of revelation.
General (or natural) revelation designates the revelation that God has provided of Himself in nature.
Special (or supernatural) revelation is the name that designates the revelation God has provided within the Bible.

General Revelation comes to man through nature.
The first six verses of Psalm 19 declare that God has given a revelation of Himself in nature that constantly testifies of the Creator.
In Romans 1:20, Paul stated that "the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse."
--The Scriptures teach that general revelation is universal.
--At no time in history has God left Himself without a witness of Himself.
--General revelation is universal in both scope and territory.
Special Revelation If God desired to ensure long-term results in regard to His communication with
mankind, He could do that by providing a revelation that was both permanent and easily accessible. That is to say, it would withstand the test of time, and could be passed from generation to generation throughout human history.
Now we must ask the question: Is there any evidence that mankind has been given such a revelation? Yes, there is.
--The evidence clearly establishes that God has given mankind a permanent revelation in written form in the book known as the Bible.
--The Bible shows a unity that—on purely human terms—is impossible to explain."
