Monday, September 17, 2018

SCAM ALERT - Cresswell Book Heals by Touching It?


Aliss Cresswell was on the mystic Sid Roth "It's Supernatural" claiming that some of those watching would see lights around them from angel's in their room or the healing of broken bones. WILL SID ROTH have any of these people who experienced any of these things on his follow-up show?
DOUBT IT since it never happened....

She again "released" healing power to those watching....
She also talked about a "pub" where she was at and began healing....SUPPOSEDLY two men came in scoffing at the miracles so she challenged them about it and healed them.

She also claims that she heals people around her "everyday"...O.K., WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE AT? LET's INTERVIEW and TEST THE VERASITY OF THESE CLAIMS...not gonna happen and you know why...she also claimed she healed herself from a lump in her breast...

Sid Roth then conjures up a prayer for those in the new age (does that include Cresswell?) and says if your not your ancestors were (What?...So?)....and had the audience join by repeating after him...

She also claims that if you buy her new book ($$$there it is$$$) that you will be healed by just picking up the book!.... Well, let's close our hospitals after we pass around her book to the patients... just saying....
In their greed they will make up
                                           clever lies to get hold of your money.
                                                                                    But God condemned them long ago,
2 Peter 2:1,3
 SEE previous Post about this FRAUD below
SCAM ALERT - Aliss Cresswell