Thursday, September 6, 2018

Papal Notes - Heaton Unleashes

For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: Psalm 5:4

"On Sunday, “Everybody Loves Raymond” star Patricia Heaton, called Pope Francis out for his response to the Catholic church sexual abuse scandal.

In August, Francis was accused by Vatican Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano of ignoring accusations made against Theodore McCarrick. Vigano released an extensive statement last month in which he
said, there was a “conspiracy of silence not so dissimilar from the one that prevails in the mafia.”
Following the release of this statement, the Pope responded saying, “Read the document carefully and judge it for yourselves.”

Heaton responded to the last tweet in the series saying, “Or @Pontifex could just release all the records himself and save everyone a lot of unnecessary time and trouble, right? Stop trying to paint obfuscation and coverup as some kind of heroic act.”

Ivereigh responded to Heaton saying, “I think you may be confusing the pope with the CEO of a corporation who has justify himself to shareholders. The Holy See is a sovereign state; it doesn’t
“release records”. Nor does the pope respond to lobbies or pressure groups. Keeping some things private is not “covering up”.

Heaton fired back saying, Your arrogance is quite bold. The laity is the church. They have sacrificed finances to give their children a Catholic education, have tithed, followed church tradition, looked for guidance. To have any moral authority, @Pontifex must release any reports of abuse. Period.”