Thursday, September 27, 2018

Papal Notes - Friend of Francis: Add 30 more boys to the List

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"Last year, Tossati recounted in First Things how the Pope demanded to meet with Cdl. Gerhard
Müller, then head of the CDF, in June 2013 to quash a dossier about an ally of his. The Pope had Cdl. Müller's secretary pull the cardinal away from offering Mass to meet with him:
The cardinal was celebrating Mass in the church attached to the congregation palace, for a group of German students and scholars. His secretary joined him at the altar: "The pope wants to speak to you." "Did you tell him I am celebrating Mass?" asked Müller. "Yes," said the secretary, "but he says he does not mind — he wants to talk to you all the same." The cardinal went to the sacristy. The pope, in a very bad mood, gave him some orders about a dossier concerning one of his friends, a cardinal
At the time of the article's publication last year, Tossati did not know who this "friend" of the Pope was. But now, in an article published Monday, he says an inside source told him that this was indeed Cdl. Murphy-O'Connor.

In October 2014, the BBC reported that Cdl. Murphy-O'Connor was the subject of a police
investigation for failing to report on Fr. Hill's alleged sexual abuse of numerous children. A notorious pedophile priest, Fr. Hill served two prison sentences for charges of sexually abusing minors. He is accused of abusing about 30 boys over the course of several decades.
When Murphy-O'Connor was head of the Arundel-Brighton diocese, he allegedly shuffled Fr. Hill around to various parishes and other appointments. At one point, he assigned the predator priest to an airport chapel, where Hill allegedly assaulted a boy with special needs who had missed his flight."