Thursday, September 13, 2018

Papal Notes - Francis' DiNardo Problem

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"The president of the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, has been accused of allowing a priest who confessed to sex abuse of a minor to function as a pastor of a parish, despite DiNardo’s assurances to one of the victims that he would no longer have access to children.
The allegations have been made following news that Cardinal DiNardo is scheduled to meet with Pope Francis on Thursday at the Vatican regarding allegations of a coverup of the sexual abuse of minors and seminarians by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
The accused priest, Manuel La Rosa-Lopez of DiNardo’s Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, turned himself in to local police on Tuesday after being charged with four counts of
indecency with a child.
One of two alleged victims, who has remained anonymous, told the Associated Press that she had reported La Rosa-Lopez to the archdiocese in 2001, before DiNardo had been made archbishop, but then had reported the abuse to DiNardo himself in 2010 after she had returned to the U.S. after years of living abroad and found that the priest had been made pastor of a church in the city of Richmond, Texas, a part of DiNardo’s archdiocese.
The alleged victim, apparently the same designated as “M.V.” in the
police affidavit, told the AP that La Rosa-Lopez was brought in to speak to her, and that he acknowledged his abuse, and apologized. The victim reportedly also received psychological counseling services from the archdiocese.
The same alleged victim told the AP and prosecutors that DiNardo and other “top clergy” informed her that La Rosa-Lopez had been sent two times to psychiatric treatment and would no longer be permitted to work with children.
However, she later discovered that La Rosa-Lopez was functioning as pastor of the Richmond parish, St. John Fisher Catholic Church. He was also named Episcopal Vicar for Hispanics, giving him supervision over matters related to Hispanics throughout the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston."