Saturday, September 8, 2018

Papal Notes - Domino's Pizza Enters Fray

For My eyes are on all their ways;
they are not hidden from My face,
nor is their iniquity concealed from My eyes.
Jeremiah 16:17

"Debris continues to fall from the two-week-old ViganĂ² eruption, and the Vatican is still taking direct
In a letter dated September 6, 2018, to the members of Legatus—an influential organization of business owners and CEOs—founder Thomas Monaghan of Domino’s Pizza fame, publicized the association’s decision to withhold its annual tithe to the Holy See:
“We have also had discussions regarding our (Legatus’) annual tithe to the Holy See, pertaining to how it is being used, and what financial accountability exists within the Vatican for such charitable contributions. The board has begun in dialogue long these lines, and in the meantime has decided to place the Holy See annual tithe in escrow, pending further determination (by the Board). Please certainly pledge our continued devotion to Holy Mother Church, and recognize the tithe has been an important commitment of Legatus since our founding. However, in light of recent revelations and questions, he believe it appropriate to respectfully request clarification regarding the specific use of these funds.”
Legatus is under the spiritual direction of Cardinal DiNardo, who said that the questions raised by
ViganĂ²’s Testimony “deserve answers that are conclusive and based on evidence."