Saturday, September 1, 2018

Papal Notes - Cosmic Walks for Mother Earth?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you
 into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
"Pope Francis invites all to pray on the fourth World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, September 1, and says he is thankful for the “various initiatives” planned in various places by various religious denominations.

Once again, Assisi is the place where prayers will be offered on Saturday, September 1, on the fourth World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation initiated by Pope Francis... For the first time, this prayer event is ecumenical in nature, and kicks off the Season of Creation which lasts until 4 October.

The Pope’s invitation is open to “everyone to unite in prayer, on Saturday, for our common home, for the care of our common home”.

 Individuals around the world are joining through
*ecumenical prayer services,
*cosmic walks, and
*planting gardens." VaticanRadio

BTW-What's a Cosmic Walk????
"The Cosmic Walk is a ritual created by Dominican Sr. Miriam MacGillis of Genesis Farm in New Jersey. It has been modified and facilitated by many people around the world. The Cosmic Walk is a way of bringing our knowledge of the 14-billion-year Universe process from our heads to our hearts.

It is a simple ritual that can be performed in a large room or outdoors. A spiral representing the entire almost 14 billion years of the cosmic and evolutionary journey is laid out on the floor or ground. At Genesis Farm this spiral is painted on the floor of the library, but one can also lay out a rope in the spiral form.
The first station, located at the very center of the spiral, represents the Flaring Forth of the Universe itself. This primary emergence is represented by a lit candle by itself or sometimes within a large, faceted glass bowl. One person, the walker, lights a candle from the primary candle and walks the spiral, starting with the Flaring Forth and lighting each candle in turn. The walk is synchronized with the reading of the text below by a second person, the reader. The ritual is accompanied by music, traditionally "The Fairy Ring" by Mike Rowland.
For fewer than about 15 people, it is feasible to have each person walk the spiral, in turn, reading the cards to itself in silence."