Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Papal Notes - Atheists Pounce

"One of the nation's largest atheist groups is calling on American Catholics to quit the church in
response to the ongoing revelations of sex abuse against children.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation revealed on Monday that it will be launching a full-page ad this week in The New York Times, with the headline: "It's time to consider quitting the Catholic Church."

The ad features statements from the recently released Pennsylvania grand jury report that found that hundreds of priests abused children but were protected by the church for decades:
"Priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing; they hid it all."

The ad states:
"Six dioceses, three hundred predatory priests, a staggering 1,000-plus victims. No bishops indicted. The pope's response? All words, no action รข€” except, insultingly, to call on the faithful to 'pray and

It continues:
"As an early church whistleblower put it, the Catholic Church appears to be an 'organization preaching morality while providing sanctuary to perverts,' a church where shepherds routinely prey on their flock. Three decades of praying priests, church complicity, collusion and cover-up going all the way to the top. Anyone who continues to support this morally bankrupt global syndicate is complicit. This institutional betrayal of trust epitomizes the dangers of blind faith and obedience to religious authority." CP
For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: Psalm 5:4