Friday, September 28, 2018

IN the NEWS - Yeti coming to a School near You?

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7
In using the captive minds of a classroom they seek to indoctrinate with Evolution nonsense, Mother Earth nonsense, then LGBT nonsense and now with eastern mysticism nonsense...

"Have you heard of Mind Yeti, CFC's mindfulness program with its Yeti cartoon-like character who will help clear hubbubbles from kids and their adults' minds with its daily meditation practices both in the classroom and at home? 

Touting its exciting possibilities in an almost half-hour webinar "Get Your Mind Ready with Mind Yeti for Schools" introduces a third grade classroom video where kids "take a moment to find their yeti bodies."  Its teacher too, along side of her pupils, leads the meditation.

Yeti is an ice-blue colored Sesame Street-like character that will help teach kids mindfulness.  And what is a yeti?  Well, a yeti is an ape-like creature said to reside in the Himalayan mountains.  Yes, the Mind Yeti creators have very cleverly used the yeti which some Buddhists worship, and whose costumes Buddhist monks use for religious ceremonies to lure youngsters into mindfulness meditation.

Mind Yeti and MindUP are sort of "mindfulness cousins" for both programs have the very same advisors.  Who then are these experts that  have shaped both programs?  You can meet one of them along with MindUP's Goldie Hawn at the 2013  Heart-Mind Conference at the Dalai Lama Center.  Known as a "renowned expert in the field of social and emotion learning (SEL)" that advisor is Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl who is a professor at the University of British Columbia, Ca. who has advised both MindUP and Mind Yeti among many other organizations.  A second lesser contributor of both programs from the same university is Dr. Molly Stewart Lawlor.

Dr. Candy Gunther Brown in "Mindfulness Meditation in Public Schools: Side-Stepping Supreme Court Religion Rulings" discusses MindUP in depth and notes that the "core practice" of deep belly breathing and attentive listening (mindfulness meditation) is part of "... Goldie Hawn's agenda of getting Buddhist religious contemplative practice into the classroom by another name."

Goldie Hawn, with advisor Schonert-Reichl right beside her, at the Dalai Lama Center asserted she was going to get "the show on the road" for she had its "script written."  Of the script Gunther Brown says, "The MindUP 'script' tells the story that Buddhist mindfulness is really 'secular' neuroscience." 

 ....the attractiveness of the Yeti itself with its swirl of thought hubbubbles circling about it makes this program even more alluring to kids.  Such is the cuteness of it that kids are saying: "Let's Yeti!"

Hoping to lure you into signing on to the Premium sessions Mind Yeti gives you just a taste of different kinds of sessions for free.  Then, you must pay for more.  Most assuredly, mindfulness is a money making business for Mind Yeti.

Last April on the "Mind Yeti Blog", Butler wrote an article titled: "Mindful Leadership: Tips for Transforming Your School District Culture with Mind Yeti."  In his article Butler begins by saying that his vision is to see Mind Yeti to spread across the entire school district.  Therefore to get ready for Mind Yeti they must "Cast a Wide Net."  To do this Butler suggests one make mindfulness accessible, share the research, make it personal, and bring it to the community.  Introduce it, e.g., by using a Mind Yeti session such as "Hello Breath." 

In short, Butler, with missionary-like fervor, encourages everyone in AISD to seize every opportunity to spread Mind Yeti.  Imagine if this was a Christian practice, and folks were spreading it with like passion.  What outrage would occur.  Public Schools though have thrown out all connected with the God of the Bible, and now in need of something moral to grab hold of, they have replaced it with Buddhist-related mindfulness.  With recent school happenings there is even more reason why school districts just like Austin, Texas will turn to mindfulness."