Thursday, September 20, 2018

IN the NEWS - Swedish Case Study of our Future?

Let Sweden be a WARNING....When you can actually GET IN TROUBLE for stating the obvious biological/scientific facts....western culture is SICK beyond help.....
Male and female created he them;
Genesis 5:2
"A Swedish university professor is being investigated for making the comment that there are biological differences between men and women. Lund University neurophysiology professor Germund Hesslow was accused by a student of making “anti-feminist” statements in a lecture, and though the school has asked him to recant, Hesslow is refusing.

RT reports that during a lecture in his course on ‘Heritage and Environment’, Hesslow cited research that supports the idea that there are differences between men and women which are “biologically founded” concluding that for that reason genders cannot be regarded as merely “social constructs.”
After the lecture was over a female student complained to the department suggesting that Hesslow’s comments went against Swedish values which require all schools in Sweden to adhere to an ethical policy, which upholds egalitarian values, individual freedom and equality of the sexes.
Hesslow spoke with RT saying, some students, “for ideological reasons,” don't like to hear certain scientific facts about biological differences between men and women."