Saturday, September 15, 2018

IN the NEWS - Sick all the way around

Not only is the Catholic Global Pedophile Ring Scandal getting worse by the day, but now, as could be predicted, we have Leftists using and manipulating the data for benefiting the LGBT agenda... you can't make this stuff up...the world has gone mad...........
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"In light of the described grave defects of the German bishops’ handling of sexual abuse of minors, Professor Pfeiffer candidly comments to the New York Times: “The degree of the cover-up is stunning and beyond anything I had expected.”

Additionally, it also seems that the German bishops tried to steer the research project in a certain progressive direction when they invited the research team to “identify ecclesial structures and
dynamics which could promote the events of abuse.” When dealing with this issue, the summary report clearly shows its own attempt at steering the discussion. While the researchers admit that the clear majority” of the abuse victims were male – nearly two thirds (62.8 percent) male against one third (34.9 percent) female victims – they nevertheless refuse to acknowledge explicitly that homosexuality itself is a factor in this abuse crisis.

Homosexuality is not a risk factor for sexual abuse,” the summary states. “However,” the authors continue, “the results of the research make it necessary to deal with those questions as to what influence Catholic sexual morality concerning homosexuality itself has in the context of sexual abuse of minors.”

That is to say, instead of acknowledging the facts, the research team denies them and uses them as an argument in order to question the Church’s own moral teaching on homosexuality.

The summary goes further and even proposes that the Church admit homosexual men to the priesthood: “The fundamentally opposing attitude of the Catholic Church with regard to the ordination of homosexual men is urgently to be reconsidered.”