Wednesday, September 19, 2018

IN the NEWS - PROPAGANDA for 1st Grade

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
Isaiah 5:20

"A California group said a first-grade textbook still in its pilot stage reads like political “propaganda” for a Democratic gubernatorial candidate over his support for gay rights.

My World Interactive” includes a section about Gavin Newsom — formerly San Francisco’s mayor and now the state’s lieutenant governor — calling him a “champion for people’s rights” and noting he said “people could marry who they choose. Sometimes, Gavin helped marry people. Some marriages were not between a man and a woman. He made sure that people’s rights were respected,”.

The president of the California Family Council, blasted the book.
This lesson is supposed to be for first grade students, but it reads like a piece of political propaganda put together by the Democrat Party,”."

First, besides the blatant promotion of an individual running for office, did anyone else notice that they affectionately refer to Mr. Newsom as "Gavin"?
Second, the bigger question----why is this topic in any 1st Grade book?????..It's called INDOCTRINATION...