Saturday, September 15, 2018

IN the NEWS - GREEN Religion UNHINGED as it Blames Trump for Florence

The GREEN RELIGION comes UNHINGED as it Blames Trump for Hurricane Florence.
The Priests of the GREEN RELIGION make more FALSE PROPHECIES...
Now picture these people clamoring for setting aside a day to reduce our so-called "carbon footprint" in order to appease mother earth...joining with Christians calling for one to appease Father God one day...
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you
into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6

"On CNN, political analyst John Avlon, in a segment titled "Reality Check," suggested Trump is at fault for Hurricane Florence, and that his climate policies could kill up to 80,000 people per decade.  
Is Trump "complicit in this storm?" asked Alisyn Camerota in the segment introduction. 
"His policies have been tearing down our defenses to climate change, which is often a blame for extreme weather," Avlon answered. "On the same day Trump was discussing Florence, his EPA proposed rolling back restrictions on emissions of methane. That's just the latest environmental policy targeted by the Trump Administration."
Avlon rattled off a series of Obama-era environmental regulations the Trump Administration is rolling back -- including pulling out of the Paris climate accord — and then boldly predicted a death toll in the thousands.
"It is so bad according to two Harvard scientists, it could lead to 80,000 unnecessary deaths every decade," Avlon said. "Warmer water means more intense storms. When President Trump called Hurricane Florence tremendously wet, he was on to something."

 ...More Lunacy...
In the Washington Post, the paper editorialized that Trump is "complicit" in Hurricane Florence's anticipated destruction. 
"When it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit," the editors wrote. "He plays down humans’ role in increasing the risks, and he continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks. It is hard to attribute any single weather event to climate change. But there is no reasonable doubt that humans are priming the Earth’s systems to produce disasters."  

...More Lunacy...
Back on MSNBC, host Katy Tur invited on media personality Bill Nye and former director of communications for President Obama's White House Climate Change Task Force, Paul Bledsoe, to setup Trump as the fall guy for Florence.
Tur introduced the segment claiming "climate deniers" in the Trump Administration make it "incredibly difficult to deal with this disaster." 
"President Trump says FEMA is ready for Hurricane Florence but mounting evidence suggests it could be incredibly difficult to deal with this disaster if climate change deniers are on the front lines," Tur said.
After Nye attacked anyone who "continue[s] to deny climate change" for undermining America's ability to respond to extreme weather, Bledsoe leveled an even sharper political attack against the Trump Administration. 
"Donald Trump and other Republicans are denying climate change are on the wrong side of public safety, of economics and of history," Bledsoe intoned."