Wednesday, September 19, 2018

IN the NEWS - "Good Luck With That"...

 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"A number of Scottish bishops agree that there should be an investigation following last month’s explosive testimony of Vatican whistleblower Archbishop Viganò.

Bishop John Keenan of the Diocese of Paisley, echoing the thoughts of U.S. Bishop Robert Barron, released a message on August 31 saying that the abuse crisis is clearly diabolical. 
It is clearly diabolical in origin – a masterpiece of the Devil to undermine every aspect of the Church’s evangelising mission,” he wrote. 
Keenan stated that the focus must be on the victims and what they have suffered. However, he called for a lay-led investigation into the McCarrick scandal: 
We must petition the Vatican for a lay-led investigation into who knew what about the McCarrick affair,” he wrote. “Archbishop Viganò’s testimony is valuable, but only one piece of the jigsaw. The Vatican must authorize the opening of all relevant files and correspondence.” Lifesite