Thursday, September 20, 2018

IN the NEWS - China's Social Credit in our Future?

Will the Chinese styled so-called Social Credit Policy one day come to our shores? Could something similar to this be enacted to help enforce the mark of the beast when it comes?...just a thought...
P.S.--what if the stock market bubble bursts, triggering a global depression before the next election, and Trump loses and instead a  Democrat (if you've been watching the primaries, or California, you've seen how far to the left the party has gone, embracing openly socialism and outright totalitarian Marxism) could that Leftist after 2020 use this as a guide for an economic agenda? For all those out there beating the drums that Trump will usher in the mark because he supports Christians and Religious Liberty, what if you are wrong? What if it's the other side that gets the ball rolling, while joining with Christians to implement the mark who call for it during natural disasters of an unimaginable scale? We know that the Left is totalitarian enough now from the Green Religion to LGBT issues...
...again, just a thought...

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
 or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:17

"In a chilling but unsurprising move, Communist China seeks ultimate control over the population by
introducing a scorecard which will supposedly keep the public in check. The big brother system will monitor all citizens 24/7 and keep a “score” of their activities. active pilot program has already seen millions of people each assigned a score out of 800. Those people will either reap the benefits of having a high score or suffer the consequences of a low social score. Depending on which end of the scale they sit, their behavior could see them punished.

The data is combined with information collected from individuals’ government records, which include
medical and
educational, along with their
financial and
internet browsing histories.

Overall scores can go up and down in “real time” dependent on the person’s behavior but they can also be affected by people they associate with.
“If your best friend or your dad says something negative about the government, you’ll lose points too,” the ABC reports.  The Chinese will be assumed guilty by association and no longer able to speak out about their own oppression.
Participation in the “social credit” system was first announced in 2014 and is mandatory. The
government is attempting to control the actions of the public in a bid to reinforce the notion that “keeping trust is glorious and breaking trust is disgraceful,”.

Penalties for a low score range from losing the right to travel by plane or train, social media account suspensions and being barred from government jobs, according to Business Insider. Chinese journalist Liu Hu is one of the millions who have already amassed a low social credit rating. Liu Hu was arrested, jailed and fined after he exposed official corruption."