Tuesday, September 25, 2018

IN the NEWS - Big Brother now openly being aggressively Blunt

So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom,
and apply thine heart to understanding;
Proverbs 2:2

Imagine how this will be used by those who want to silence Christians, those with dissenting viewpoints of politics in the public arena or those whom the elites simply don't like (look at what big tech did to Alex Jones)....I'm POSITIVE this will be used to silence those who criticize anything LGBT, pro-life, etc....everywhere you look freedom is eroding---and it's eroding at the hands of what are termed "liberals" (leftists) in politics.....think about how this could be used one day to clamp down on the 3 Angel's Message being shared when it comes to identifying the Little Horn power for instance.
Because if there's one thing we've learned from big-tech and secular leftists in politics---their application of rules and laws are selective....

"Imagine an internet in which users can't freely blog, parody, share material, or remix content – an online experience in which linking, code-sharing, and the unfettered use of art and images would be nearly impossible due to legal limitations.

Unfortunately, this scenario – a restrictive internet culture – may soon be a reality in the European Union with the recent passage of the European Union's Copyright Directive. This new E.U. decree, which includes provisions for filtering and surveillance, could have a chilling effect on internet creativity and innovation, increase censorship, and impose new market barriers for businesses worldwide.

The new regulations were originally proposed two years ago as part of the E.U.'s Digital Single Market policy .... it could have a global impact on non-E.U. countries across the world similar to the effect of the E.U.'s 2016 E.U.-wide data protection rules created under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR took effect in May this year and standardized data protection laws and set guidelines on controlling personally identifiable data.

The Copyright Directive imposes requirements that will change
 the way netizens interface with online content by
imposing mandatory upload filtering,
 a link tax, and
certain prohibitions on user-generated content in public spaces.

As part of the proposed Copyright Directive, bots, applications that run automated tasks, will act as
censors and arbitrarily decide what content can be accessed and shared or even deleted without the consent of the intended user.

 A letter of protest to the European Parliament president, signed primarily by I.T. community members, characterized Article 13 as taking "an unprecedented step towards the transformation of the internet from an open platform for sharing and innovation, into a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users."

This directive could severely limit connectivity and the freedom of digital expression by favoring publishers and equipping them with the power to extract royalties and block content."